2004-09-09 1:17 AM
2011-05-17 3:01 AM
Hi Guys,
I am doing an interface between MCU and an EEPROM, using SPI. In the application, there must be RTC, timer interrupt, and SCI interrupt. My data is gonna be in the EEPROM and I have to search for it every 5 seconds. The question is should I use interrupt on the SPI to grap data or not? I lean toward the polling method because I think interrupt helps only you have to serve an unexpected event. Any advice on which way I should go. thanks2011-05-17 3:01 AM
I think it may depend on how critical it is that you read the SPI EEPROM at a consistent and precise time. Using an RTC or timer to interrupt you every 5 seconds and reading the EEPROM at that time is convenient, consistent, and predictable. If it is not that critical when and how consistent it is read at the 5 second mark, I would lean toward not using an interrupt and reserving the interrupt processing time for more time critical event processing.
2011-05-17 3:01 AM
EEPROM cont.
Hi Moderator, thanks for you pointers. Here is what I have in mind. I intend to grap data 32 bytes each time. I will enable SPI interrupt and serve this interrupt. doing this I can grap data in the background instead. Please Advice