2007-09-06 2:21 AM
Programming ST10 without Bootstrape line
2007-09-03 2:02 AM
I have several questions depending on programming the internal flash of the ST10F269. 1. The datasheet shows me that to get the chance to programm the internal flash you need to pull down the bootstrape line on port P0L.4. Which eneables the BSL mode. So would it be possible to get the flash programmed without pulling down this line? 2. If it would be possible to rewright the flash without the BSL mode, do i need special source code in the controller to get the flash with a new programm rewritten.? Or does someone have experience in writting bootloader code in C? Or maybe any links to software of bootloader flash programmer. Thanks for your help. Reverant [ This message was edited by: Reverant on 03-09-2007 14:34 ]2007-09-03 9:46 PM
Hello Reverant,
If I understand well the situation, you want to program/reprogram the internal Flash without using the on chip bootstrap. This is possible using your own bootloader. In this case, your own bootloader driver must be placed in a location which must not be erased for example Bank0 sector0 allowing programming the remaining Flash memory (beginning from Bank0 sector1). Regards, Najoua.2007-09-06 1:16 AM
Hi Najoua
Thanks for your reply. Your are exactly right. But i am not realy sure how i should programm this in C. So if it would be possible does somebody know more about such a problem or does anybody know links to examples thanks Reverant2007-09-06 1:28 AM
Hello again Reverant,
You can refer to the AN2078 'STR7xx In Application Programming using UART' ;the principle is the same. The document and the software are available on the following link:http://www.stmcu.com/modules.php?name=mcu&file=familiesdocs&FAM=86
Hope this helps you, Regards, Najoua.2007-09-06 2:21 AM
Thanks for you help
best regards