2019-06-06 10:51 PM
Hi All,
I am trying to program STNRGPF01 (EVAL-IPFC01V1), but I have no success so far. I connected
FTDI serial cable to programming connector, but STNRGPF01 programming tool stays in a loop
without any results. I also found some ld post about this, but it seems, that these pages does not exists any more. Are there any more detailed data available how to program this devices.
Thanks and best regards,
2019-09-03 4:42 AM
Hi, I've designed a control board with STNRGPF01. But I can't program it via FTDI Serial Cable. As your problem, STNRGPF01 Firmware Loader fall in a loop and it doesn't complete programming or reading process. I analyzed the signals that STNRGPF01 sends. There is a periodically signal.
How did you solve this programming issue ?
2019-09-04 6:22 AM
Unfortunately, I didn't succeed. Host sends 0x7F periodically to STNRGPF01 for starting synchronize process. But STNRGPF01 only sends same data peridocially. You can see tx/rx bus signals on photo. I don't understand what is the problem.
Channel 0 : PC -> STNRGPF01
Channel 1 : STNRGPF01 -> PC
2019-09-09 11:08 AM
Have you tried this from the post of another community member?
"I loss a lot of time to find information in order to reprogram a STNRGPF01. An application note from ST would have been very helpful...
So I give you the steps here:
As there is a STM8 inside, take a ST-LINK V2 JTAG.
Connect the SWIM connector and appliy some 3V or 5V to the STNRGPF01 but do not switch on the main!!!
Put the following text into a .hex file and download it, this
Download this .hex file using STM8 visual programmer (called STVP) and choose the STM8AF6269 device which is sufficiently compatible. This FW will erase the byte options and allow you to reprogram a new FW using the utility provided by ST.
As the flash is not empty, you have now only 1 second to start the programmation after a reset. It differs from a new chip which has no FW and stays in bootloading mode indefinitely.
I hope that this post will help people, not to loose so much time that I lost..."
2019-09-09 11:50 PM
OK . I solved my problem last week.
As you say, with using STVP. It can select a compatible STM8 MCU and erase the flash memory. STNRGPF01 controls 0x008000 address. This address must not be 0x82 or 0xAC. STNRGPF01 knows with this byte that eeprom is virgin. And than jump to bootloader.
Thanks for answer.
Best Regards.
2019-10-08 5:14 PM
Hello everyone, thank you for this information. We have designed a power converter based on the STNRGPF01 eval kit as the first stage. We got our prototype boards back and have been unable to program them, I have gotten no response from ST support on this issue. The method described makes sense, what exactly does that small program loaded via the ST-LINK actually do?
What I am deducing is that the STNRFPF01 has a serial boot loader built in and the expected way to program the IC is via serial communication (2 way) via this boot loader. The provided tool has no trouble reading the firmware from the eval kit's IC, as well as from the IC on our prototype boards although in this case everything returned is 0x00. Actual attempts to program via serial connection to the boot loader give a failure in the programming app with no explanation, and about 220 ms of back and forth on the serial lines (communication works both ways so it's not a board design issue). Reading the FW to a disk file from either the eval or prototype boards takes about 16 seconds and proceeds uneventfully according to my protocol analyser.
We don't have an ST-LINK on hand but I just ordered one and will give this a shot.