2003-09-11 1:35 AM
Problem with noise in A/D conversion
2003-07-22 3:15 AM
Hi everybody, I've a problem with A/D conversion caused by noise from a switching circuit for step motor control. When the motor is on, the conversion get corrupted. I've used a regulator for Vcc, decoupled mass and alimentation, avoided ground loop, optoisolated micro from switching part, filtered with an LC filter the analog input and also mediated the conversion; situation is improved, but still the conversion isn't stable: does anyone have other suggestion to obtain a valid result?
Thanks2003-07-22 11:58 PM
Hello Jarod,
Could it be that the ADC input is nearly an PWM motor control output? Marco2003-07-23 3:36 AM
What kind of conversion are you taking, are you taking a sample/average?
Remember the st6 ad is +- 2lsb. You could try a 256 sample loosing the lower 2bits. Regards SJO2003-07-23 6:50 AM
You should check if there is some ST6 I/Os with injected current at the time of the conversion.
If one of the ST6 I/O body diode is conducing, it will add some noise internally on the ADC reference and may change your conversion by up to 0.6V. In order to avoid this: - first try to reduce the injected current in the device - if you cannot, add an external diode to avoid the current inside the ST6 pin.2003-09-11 1:35 AM
Try put the 47nF - 100nF capasitor to the ADC input pin and ground, should help, also you can connect 10k ressistor between GND and this pin