2005-10-30 7:52 PM
2005-10-28 2:54 AM
I'm trying to set up clocks for the STR710 on the MB 393 board using the IAR workbench. The code is as follows: RCCU_Div2Config ( DISABLE); RCCU_FCLKConfig ( RCCU_RCLK_2 ); RCCU_PCLKConfig (RCCU_RCLK_4); RCCU_MCLKConfig (RCCU_DEFAULT); RCCU_PLL1Config (RCCU_PLL1_Mul_20, RCCU_Div_4) ; while(RCCU_FlagStatus(RCCU_PLL1_LOCK)==RESET); // looping forever RCCU_RCLKSourceConfig (RCCU_PLL1_Output) ; When I run this code in debug mode, the PLL status flag is always in RESET mode and never set to SET. Do I need to change something on the board to make it get out of this infinite loop? Regards, [ This message was edited by: iamanil on 16-02-2006 18:29 ]2005-10-28 3:48 AM
Thanks! I think that fixed my problem. I believe that the oscillator frequency is set in the 71_conf.h file and it is defined as: #define RCCU_Main_Osc 4000000 which I understand is that the oscillator is set to 4MHz. So, the PLL input would be 4MHz, which is under its maximum operating frequency. In my project, I wanted to let the processor run at 20 MHz and the BSPI1 should run at 4MHz. Please let me know if I’m moving on the right path. Thanks, [ This message was edited by: iamanil on 16-02-2006 18:29 ]