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number format multiply divide in STM32H757

Associate II


I am looking macro, in-bult function or lib to
1 - I can do 2 16-bit signed fraction number multiply or divide and result should also be in 16-bit signed fraction.
2 - define to convert any integer number (value less will be less than "1" to 16-bit) fraction number

Or overestimated the capabilities of the developers?

Surely, scaling is going to be simpler (therefore, quicker & less code) than fixed-point ... ?

> Or overestimated the capabilities of the developers?

That could very well be, too.
Although I most often experienced the former issue, project managers going as cheap as possible. And not only once have I seen the grudging "upgrade" to a bigger, more expensive MCU variant, more often for code space issues than performance issues.

But I think this is a critical point some developers and project managers did not understand. Cortex M is general-purpose application architecture, not optimized for high-throughput (like DSPs). High data rates and interrupt frequencies (like for cycle-by-cycle control) can quickly stuff the core, and eat up 80...100% processing time. And  no matter if you throw more expensive hardware (M7, dual core) at it or more specialized / optimized hardware (DSPs), it will not come cheap.