2005-09-07 10:08 PM
2005-09-07 2:43 AM
Hi forum!
Second topic today. Think today is not my day. I need a small delay in a program. Thus I added _nop_ (); in the source code. But it didn't work. So I wrote the following lines in the main function where x is an IO pin: while(1) { x = 1; _nop_ (); x = 0; _nop_ (); } Only the second _nop_ () causes a delay. The first one is just ignored. I use µVision2 from Keil. Thanks Oliver2005-09-07 3:24 AM
This works fine. Did you check the generated code? Are the NOP instructions in the LST file? Regards,2005-09-07 5:43 AM
Here's the code:
ASSUME DPP3 : SYSTEM EXTRN ?C_STARTUP : FAR REGDEF R0 - R15 ?PR?SLREGELUNG SECTION CODE WORD 'FCODE' ; line 1: #pragma large ; line 2: #pragma src ; line 3: #pragma MOD167 FIX167 ; line 4: ; line 5: #include ''intrins.h'' ; line 6: #include ''regst10F269.h'' ; line 7: #include ''absacc.h'' ; line 8: #include ''math.h'' ; line 9: ; line 10: sbit Testpin = P3^7; ; line 11: ; line 12: #include ''stdio.h'' ; line 13: ; line 14: void main(void) main PROC FAR GLOBAL main ; FUNCTION main (BEGIN RMASK = @0x8000) ; line 15: { ; line 16: DP3 = 0x00C0; MOV DP3,#192 ; line 17: ; line 18: while(1) ?C0003: ; line 19: { ; line 20: Testpin = 1; BSET Testpin ; line 21: _nop_(); NOP ; line 22: Testpin = 0; BCLR Testpin ; line 23: _nop_(); NOP ; line 24: } JMP cc_UC,?C0003 ; FUNCTION main (END RMASK = @0x8000) main ENDP ?PR?SLREGELUNG ENDS ; line 25: } ; line 26: // E N D E ----- ; line 27: ; line 28: END And here's a link to the signal I get: http://img141.imageshack.us/my.php?image=signal9bi.jpg [ This message was edited by: olfab on 07-09-2005 18:14 ]2005-09-07 10:08 PM
As you can see both NOP's are in the code. So I guess since you have just a JUMP at the end, you need to add more than just ONE NOP to see a delay. I hope this helps you, Regards,