2005-01-05 1:51 PM
2011-05-17 3:05 AM
I am using PSDSoft Express to program UPSD3234A with the JTAG. But I am facing problems as it SOMETIMES gives me error - MISMATCH OF THE IDCODE ! I have gone through the previous posts on the forum and replies to them. (Posted by Purvi and the replies to it ) As per them, I have checked and ensured that the USERCODE is FFFFFFFF, and there is only 1 JTAG device connected to it. Infact, I am using JTAG to program only the UPSD3234A, no other deivce is connected to it. Please see attached the LOG file for reference, and let me know if you need any more information. Looking forward to replies soon, Regards, Bhushan. 8-)2011-05-17 3:05 AM
I think PSDSoft gives you that error when the PSD core of whatever device you're using doesn't match the uPSD you've selected. For instance, if your JTAG setup indicates that you're trying to program a uPSD3254, but you have a uPSD3234 attached to the programmer, you'll see this error. Any chance that a saved JTAG setup for the wrong processor could be causing your problem?2011-05-17 3:05 AM
Hello Phase426,
Firstly thanks for your reply. But as I have said, I am always using UPSD3234A, and do not have any other device. I am still facing the same problem. So here is how went about it - I now have PSDsoft 8.30 version which shows the IDCODE. I checked the USER CODE in Additional PSD Settings -> JTAG/ISP -> Specify User Code and is FFFFFFFF, which is by default configuration, and have never tampered with it. Then when I selected the option while programming - Program/Verify User Code, it responded and then did - Program/Verify Flash Boot. IT WORKED ! But then later when I tried to reprogram the SAME chip, it again gave me the error - MISMATCH of the IDCODE. Also I have never set any security bits or protection bits. I followed the same procedure again, but it is giving me the same error. So my questions are 1. How and where is this IDCODE stored on the chip ( location ). 2. How do we access it. 3. Most important - even though I am not disturbing the IDCODE in the USER CODE, how does it get changed. Can some part of the program or any situation on the pins alter it ? Also if, as per the User Code mentioned in the error, I enter it into the option - Specify User Code, I am still not able to get any functionality. I am attaching an image of the error alongwith. Kindly go through it and let me know if you need any more information. Regards, Bhushan.2011-05-17 3:05 AM
I'm pretty sure that the IDCODE and USERCODE are completely differen things, despite their being so close in value (FF..FFE, FFF). I think that the IDCODE that PSDSoft checks is not user-writable, but it somehow embedded in the chip and is an ID tag that lets it know which particular memory core that chip is using. For instance, if you were programming a PSD834 (which is just a PSD memory device, no MCU), you could tell PSDSoft that you were programming a uPSD3234 and it wouldn't know the difference because it checks this IDCODE in the PSD core. I use PSDSoft 8.10 at the moment, so I've seen the IDCODE mismatch before, but I've never seen it spit out the actual value like your version does. My suggestion at this point might be to look at your hardware design. If you're not using the DK3200, there's always the off chance that there's some interference on the JTAG lines that causes them to behave erratically. Other than that, I'm out of ideas. You might want to try emailing psd apps support.2011-05-17 3:05 AM
Please double check that you have pull-up resistors on the JTAG lines.
2011-05-17 3:05 AM
I have already checked the circuit and verified proper pull up resistors on JTAG lines. The timing on JTAG looks okay, too. Interesting fact is the circuit has been working without any problems for past 6 months. Now all of our boards are giving us the same problem. I have also tested the Flashlink programmer in Loopback and Connect mode. I have also started using PSDSoft Express ver 8.3 This version asks me to Save CJF file everytime I close the JTAG programming option. Is this a feature of the 8.3 version? Does this Save message mean that the JTAG programming utility thinks that there have been changes made to JTAG options even though I have not made any changes? Could this cause the failure of ID Code that I am seeing? This error condition is baffling! Is this error common on uPSD3234A? Thanks, Bhushan2011-05-17 3:05 AM
Here is an update based on various experiments that I have been doing regarding the MISMATCH OF IDCODE error message: 1) I tested ST sample code using PSDSoft on DK3200 several times without any error. 2) I tested my firmware project using PSDSoft on DK3200 platform. On the first flash programming instance I got the MISMATCH of THE IDCODE error message. 3) Now I can not download the ST sample code to DK3200 platform. Every time I get error message and the IDCODE read is 0xFFFFFFFE. 4) Only change that I have made in my code is using #define TST_CODE command to switch some chunk of code. But I am not sure if this change will cause IDCODE to change. My questions are: 1) Is there any information available on JTAG commands that I can use to communicate with the controller? 2) Based on ISP knowledge that i have gathered, looks like PSDSoft starts the JTAG comm by verifiying IDCODe first and that is why it is failing. So what could I be doing in PSDSoft that is causing the error condition? 3) Is there any way of reading IDCODE in uPSD3234A controller using PSDSoft? 4) Can I configure PSDSoft NOT to check for IDCODE at all or check for the IDCODE that is written into my uPSD device? 5) is TST_CODE a reserved parameter in PSDSoft that is causing overwriting IDCODE in uPSD device? Looks like there is some bug in my project or something that is causing this to happen. But unfortunately, I can not find any ref to IDCODE in uPSD user manual or any documents. The fact that PSDSoft consistantly reads same incorrect IDCODE is surprising. Any comments would help. Thanks, Bhushan2011-05-17 3:05 AM
PSDSoft Express 8.21
I'm trying to program a PSD813F2 chip and I get the exact same error. I've also got a handful of other identical boards which I am able to program without any problems - but this one board started showing this problem a few months ago... I replaced the chip when it first occurred (thinking that I nuked it) but it has started acting up again. Have you found out any more information on this phenomenon?