2004-11-28 11:02 PM
2004-11-25 4:32 AM
I have a 4MHZ clock for the main CK input and HCLK input. I use PLL2 to generate 48MHZ for USB operation. If I set the RCLK and MCLK to 16MHZ the sample mouse demo works, If I set the MCLK to 12MHZ then USB connection is not established. Is this correct and is there a minumum mclk/rclk speed required for USB to operate.
P.2004-11-25 7:09 PM
Hi ReservoirGerbils,
Have you setting the APB1 clk > 8MHz ? This is a must for USB funcionality . . . If you set the RCLK and MCLK to 12 MHZ the work frequency of APB1 is 6MHz !!! (-->> USB NOT RUN) Smart :p2004-11-28 11:02 PM
Thankyou for this
I have now located the reference to this is the reference manual i suppose I should do more reading ;-).