2004-09-02 6:53 PM
Low Cost Configuration with SDRAM and MM/SD card possible?
2004-08-28 8:10 PM
Would be great if is possible to load the program code at startup via SPI from a MM/SD card to SDRAM.
Is the STR720's 4K Boot-ROM enough to implement a MMC FAT16 Bootloader? Anyone experienced with this? klaus2004-09-02 6:53 PM
On 2004-09-01 17:34, RISC wrote: Hi, The STR720 Boot ROM is factory programmed and you can not change the Booy ROM content by your self. Regards. OK, I see - so I need an additional serial Flash chip to use my own boot loader. Is the STR720 Boot ROM able to load program code via SPI ? klaus