2007-02-18 9:22 PM
Lite02, LiteS2 RCCR recovery in the event of removal of readout protection
2007-02-07 2:32 AM
Hi! In my own programmer I'm trying to recover RCCR calibration bytes after removing of readout protection in ST7Lite02 and ST7LiteS2. I'm relying on following documents: ''Quick Reference Manual'' (chapter 1.2, page 3/9) and ''ST7 Family Flash Programming Reference Manual'' (chapter, page 16/68). Described procedure of RCCR[0,1] restoring bases on reserved memory locations F960h/F961h (or DEE0h/DEE1h in Lite1x, Lite2x).
Reads from these cells always return values 00h. Is there any special procedure to read calibration bytes from mentioned locations? Thanks for help! I'm attaching source of driver used to reading bytes via ICC [ This message was edited by: Michal on 07-02-2007 16:12 ] ________________ Attachments : code.asm : https://st--c.eu10.content.force.com/sfc/dist/version/download/?oid=00Db0000000YtG6&ids=0680X000006I0Bl&d=%2Fa%2F0X0000000bVd%2F8Wlqs1gPIvh6S1HXB2cONJXrgASma5z.4RJU07ZLiHQ&asPdf=false2007-02-18 9:22 PM
Problem solved, thanks anyway.