2017-01-06 4:22 AM
We are using Fairchild Semiconductor
KA3100D IC SOP-16 SMD Package
in our medical products with annual consumption of 1000. Currently this IC is EOL now (Year 2008)But since it is used in regular production, we need
1:1 pin compatible STM equivalent
for same.Kindly let us know for alternative.
Link for KA3100D:http://pdf.datasheetcatalog.com/datasheet/fairchild/KA3100D.pdf
Thank you in advance.
#stepper-motor #ic #driver #dc-motor-control2017-01-09 1:52 AM
We have forums setup for the various ST product discussions. Please look at the menu at the top of this page and let me know which forum applies here and I will move it there.
Many thanks
2017-01-09 8:11 PM
Discontinued Products.
2017-01-10 8:02 AM
2017-01-10 8:18 AM
Seems more like a job for your parts engineer, when something has been EOL for close to a decade you might have to consider a board spin to use currently available and cost effective parts.
The volume is so low it's hard to expect much support from external staff.