2009-01-24 7:55 PM
2009-01-12 10:14 AM
Hello, i am martin from Argentina, i have one question, the ''interface rs232'' for read/write where buy?,
thanks.2009-01-14 5:06 PM
Take a look, the scheme is just a 1st problems ;)
http://www.st.com/mcu/forums-cat-7833-5.html2009-01-15 8:22 PM
i need this interface too
how make,need ful schma and soft thank!2009-01-21 8:52 AM
Soy de Argentina tambien, enviame un mail a
que puedo ayudarte Saludos2009-01-24 7:55 PM
i add you msn,my msn is :wyz1056@hotmail.com