2007-04-16 10:41 PM
2007-04-06 1:08 AM
Have a good day
The icc cable between programmer and PCB, How long can it be.(maximum without mistake) Ä° use reva board v1 and st7fliteus52007-04-16 6:00 AM
one ICC cable is provided with Reva starter kit. Raisonance is sure that it works with it but doesn't give any guarantee for longer one because they didn't make serious test (stress) on that feature. For information, ST made some Lite09 programming tests with Stick and different ICC cable length four years ago. No problem has been found with 30cm, 1m, 2m and 3m cables. It doesn't mean results are identical with RLink, it depends on PC and environment, i recommend you to make some tests. Best regards Pascal2007-04-16 8:20 PM
Have a good day
are the test cables longer than 1m shielded. i use not shielded 60cm and sometimes ''there is no mcu''. thanks for your interest2007-04-16 10:37 PM
The ST-STICK is different comparing with the R-Link : STICK is plugged through parallel port with only passive components but R-Link is connected through USB and there is a ST7 onside the Rlink to interface between USB and ICC connection. Raisonance guarantee only with the ICC cable provided, but you have also to take care about the length on your PCB itself. Anyway, are you sure that no error will occur with a smaller ICC cable. Depending on your constraint you can rather increase the USB cable length. Best regards Laurent2007-04-16 10:41 PM
nearly 40 cm is ok.
Thanks for your interest