2003-04-03 9:18 PM
2003-03-25 1:22 AM
If i try to access I2c registers with software an error message appear.
If i try to write register with emulator i am not able to do it ( it returns the previous value). I have ST7VD rel 2.5.1 (the last), and i have updated the emulator firmware. It is strange, there are register but i can't use, is it a bug?2003-03-28 2:17 AM
Do you have the ST7MDT20M-EMU3 which is the emulator for 321 device?
It's maybe because there is an error in your mapfile or H/W registers definitions (assembly? C?), check their addresses in the .map file generated during the build of the application. There is no bug, so there is certainly an error somewhere... What's your software to modify the I2C registers?2003-03-30 7:49 PM
Oh, yes. But if i use another micro ( e.g. 2321AR7 or AR9) everything is ok? This two micro are identical to the AR6 but they have more ram and rom.
2003-04-03 9:18 PM
You're right: this bug is know in tools department for 52x/32x(A)R6 devices only and will be corrected in a future STVD7 version (2.5.3?).
Workaround: take AR7 or AR9 to debug I2C (even if you use less program memory).