2005-04-24 8:03 PM
2005-04-20 9:12 AM
In ST7FLITE09 , after power up how long does it take for the configuration of the I/O when i use the internal RC oscillator ? In my application i like to configure the I/O as O/P .
1. From power up until configuration of the I/O as O/P what will be the state of the I/O Pin.will this be high impedance / low / high ? 2 .From power up to valid output (I/O config.) what is the time taken ? Thanks Prasanna2005-04-24 8:03 PM
This is explained in datasheet. See Reset Sequence Manager chapter.
To answer a bit.. 1. Startup time of micro : 256 cyc + PLL startup time (60 cyc) + S/w initialisation time if taken by compiler library (e.g startup.o) 2. I/o are in floating i/p = high impedance 3. once the mcu has started, you can put 1st instruction for IO initialisations. hope it helps.