2021-02-01 1:02 AM
2021-02-01 2:48 AM
In standalone, you can read/write the device with all "eeprom reader" available on the market.
Best Regards
Team EEPROM suPPort
2021-02-01 6:26 AM
Thanks a lot for your reply but which chip need to select because on all device we have 95040 but not 95042UE is it the same IC or not ?
2021-02-01 6:58 AM
If 95042UE is the top marking,it's unknown to us.
BTW, lot of chance it would be a 4Kbits SPI.
2021-02-01 7:09 AM
Thx a lot. Just to tell the ref is an ST Microelectronic specific for automotive. You find it on Anti Blocking System Wheel module.
2021-02-01 7:15 AM
Please, give me all the marking informations. Picture would be welcome for better support.
2021-02-01 7:19 AM
95042U3 9332K with ST logo
2021-02-02 1:44 AM
After investigations, this marking doesn't fit with standard STMicroelectronics marking for eeprom 4Kbits SPI in SO8N.
Should be:
1st line: 95040xx (with xx = 2 letters)
2nd line: ST logo + KywwX (yww = year+week and X= 1 letter)
2021-02-02 1:48 AM
thx a lot. But i have the ST logo on the second line and this eeprom is present on a break module (Antiblockin Systeme Wheels) from ATE brand for a european vehicle
2021-04-20 1:17 AM
Hi there! I wanted to politely ask for your help, if you can answer a simple question: i have a 950406 k128 eeprom chip but cant find one to buy online i only can find 950406 K506W or 950406 K304K, if so can i use these other ones to replace the 950406 k128.
It is for a veglia boreti automotive instrument cluster from a fiat punto 2001 - 1999...
It would really help if you answered deeply appreciated.
Thanks in advance :)
PS: I actually made a post about this - https://community.st.com/s/question/0D53W00000j6nNsSAI/hi-there-i-wanted-to-politely-ask-for-your-help-if-you-can-answer-a-simple-question-i-have-a-950406-k128-eeprom-chip-but-cant-find-one-to-buy-online-i-only-can-find-950406-k506w-or-950406-k304k-if-so-can-i-use-these-other-ones-to-replace-the9504...