2007-07-11 3:14 AM
2011-05-17 12:44 AM
When I test the USB Memory example on MCBSTR9 board, I need both the Ulink2 cable and usb cable connect the board with my pc to work. When I take out Ulink2 cable, and left only usb cable connect board to my pc, the program not run anymore. My PC (window xp) not recognize usb device.
So how I can run the program with only usb cable? Thank you JP2011-05-17 12:44 AM
Can anyone show me how to make it run without Ulink2?
Thank you John2011-05-17 12:44 AM
I got answer from Keil forum. My board MCBSTR9 uses 150 mA and each usb device gives 100 mA, so it needs 2 usb cable connect to run.
2011-05-17 12:44 AM
... So how I can run the program with only usb cable? Just take out Ulink2 JTAG connector... :o