2008-02-07 6:41 AM
2011-05-17 12:49 AM
may I ask for your help please: I start to work with microcontroler and I have to build a project with a STR9. I work with a Raisonance REVA2.10 board. The CPU board is a STR912F. I install the software read a lot and start working with the unit. I developt an aplication that should work fine. But I don't know how to complete the work. I work with the debugger and I could made the function that I will need. I have some basic question. This should be obvious to many of you but I didn't find the answers in my reading. I need to build the core of my software. This software should be able to receive command from the usb connector (not the one on the Rlink board but the one on the cpu board) and call my function accordingly. It should also be able to reprogram it self from the usb when a new version will be available. I also need to receive some interupt from some pin and made some work from it. I need to put that in place and produce a software that work without the Rlink help. I look at the statup guide but I didn't understand to build a standalone aplication. Do you know any place where I should look to find my answers(interupt, usb ....) Thank you One day I'll be able to help someone else Mike