2006-03-20 9:15 PM
2006-03-16 2:50 PM
Hello all,
I have an IC but I don't find the good name. I search of this website, I spent few hours to check and check again all but I can't find it. On the IC I can read : ST7F LITE BCM6 Please I try to find out the good name for this IC to buy it. I already call the Arrow Company to ask them, they answer very fast: they don't know, and ask us to call directly ST. We call the local office of ST company and they answer to us : I DON'T WANT HELP YOU, I DON'T SPEAK WITH THE CUSTOMERS, CALL THE ARROW COMPANY. :-Y :-Y I think it's a shame for a so big company that no one want take only 1 minute to answer to us. And nobody can give really the phone number of a good guy to give the answer. Thank you for your time, Fak Ron2006-03-16 2:55 PM
We just call again the office of Arrow, and they say that nobody know in fact, they know the ST7F Lite but they can't give the good name from the words above the IC ''ST7F LITE BCM6''.
Please we need this answer very fast, Thank you ! Fak Ron2006-03-16 7:50 PM
I try again to call sell's office and ST office, and nobody want help us to know the good number.
And in all the website it's not possible to find out an email to send the question. I already call or send email to other company than ST and for the same question and they always answer to me very fast. But ST nobody want speak by phone and it's not possible to find a good email address.... I anyone can help me I promise to say that I am loving ST very much.... :)2006-03-16 7:51 PM
Hi Fak Ron,
I apologize for my colleagues who doesn't even take few minutes to orient you to this forum. But may be they didn't know. As you say, ST is a so big company with a so big product portfolio that it is difficult to know all of them. From the clue you gave, I think you have in your hand a ST7FLITE1xB. You can download its data sheet there : You will have at the hand of the datasheet, in the ''15.2 Device ordering information'' section, the list of all the Salestypes. Best regards Laurent [ This message was edited by: laubey on 17-03-2006 10:17 ]2006-03-17 12:23 AM
Merci pour ta reponse Laurent,
J'avoue avoir chercher pas mal de temps pour avoir un indice pour m'orienter correctement. Cela ne me donne pas la reponse precise malheureusement mais cela m'aide deja. Il est vrais que en chine les bureau de ST et leur distributeur (Arrow entre autre) ne sont pas dutout amical, et nous repondent directement 'au revoir' avant de prendre le temps de dire bonjour. Il doit bien il y avoir une personne dans ST qui connaisse ce qu'ils ecrivent sur les circuits et a quoi cela corresspond :) Cependant merci pour ta reponse ! Sebastien2006-03-17 12:44 AM
What is the your package : SO (I guess), how many pins ? BR Laurent PS : Quel bureau de ST as-tu appelé ? Sais-tu vers qui tu as été orienté ?2006-03-17 2:18 PM
Yes the package is SO for 16pins.
I check the PDF and I am not sure at all but I think maybe that can be the ST7FLIT19BY0M6. It's for industrial use and bulk production. So I don't think they choose the 4KB if it's not usefull for them and they should take care of the price. In fact We have the file (hex file) of the IC, but the engineer is left few month before and now we need to to a bulk production of this project but unfortunatly no one in the company can say wich IC is it exactly. So of course we fear to choose a bad one and after all no work... Thanks, Sebastien Pour le bureau de ST, on a appele celui ci:Quote:
STMicroelectronics (Shenzhen) Co Ltd Shenzhen Representative Office 6 & 7/F, Tower B, TCL Centre Southern No. 1 Road, South District Hi-Tech Industrial Park, Nanshan Shenzhen 518057 PR China Tel : (86-755) 8601 2000 Fax : (86-755) 8601 2200eux ils nous ont repondu directement par un au revoir en nous disant d'aller voir ailleur et sans nous donner le moindre nom, numero de telephone ou autre. on a egalement contacte Arrow Shenzhen China. Leur premiere reaction a ete de nous demander de telephoner a ST directement. Apres le refus de ST de nous parler on a retelephoner a arrow, et il a accepter de passer une minute sur notre cas pour nous dire qu'il connait bien ST7FLITE mais pas le reste. (chose que je peut comprendre vu que ce sont des revendeurs).2006-03-19 8:16 PM
The ST7FLIT19BY0M6 is a 2k with 128 bytes of data E2PROM with an analog comparator. The ST7FLIT15BY0M6 is the same as 19B without the 128 bytes of data EEPROM. The cheapest in SO16 is the ST7FLIT10BY0M6 without the data E2PROM and without the Analog comparator. Anyway, Ihave a doubt, if you can read the E of LITE, it should not be a LITE1B. I focused on the B in the information you gave me. By the way, if you are yet in production, it can definetely not be a LITE1B. But if it is a small product it could be also a Superlite, ST7LITES2Y0M6 or ST7LITES5Y0M6. Hope this helps you more. Data sheet here : http://www.st.com/stonline/books/pdf/docs/8348.pdf Depending on the quantity, may be ST or the distri should be able to find which part you ordered. Best regards Laurent [ This message was edited by: laubey on 20-03-2006 15:59 ]2006-03-20 2:38 AM
This product has been identified by one of my colleagues. The problem is this product has been designed only for one customer. So, please contact your management to know who is your contact inside ST, because I cannot believe that the guy who left your company was alone to convince ST to design a dedicated product. If you identify yourself, I can transmit the information to the people in Asia, in charge of supporting this kind of micros. Best regards Laurent