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Hello, I am trying to find the data sheet on a transistor "st 9 827" below "2015". Thank you. Also what an update equivalent item would be.

Associate II

Attach a clear, in focus, picture of the part with numbering visible and in-use context.

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Associate II

0693W000008wTC9QAM.jpgUnfortunately it's still on the board.

Looks to be a TO-220 Darlington Transistor, not getting any hits on the part#

Any other equipment with same board? What's the board# perhaps there are some other examples out there.

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That's about as far as I got before, just wanted another verification on NPN. Problem now is the ratings. It is from the power board for a Mitutoyo Q2-MU-01-MI. Could not identify a part number for the power board however. Any thoughts on how to to start on the voltage / current specs? This one already burned up, don't want to over rate the new device. Another company wants over $1K just to look at it.

So, you could unsolder it and clean it up, to get a better look at the markings.

But be aware that power transistors rarely burn up alone.

ST made thyristors in a TO-220 casing as well.