2008-03-09 5:19 PM
2011-05-17 12:48 AM
Just a beginner so sorry if this is very basic question (I can't seem to find the required docs anywhere ;
How do I enable EXTINT 5 using ST Libraries ? (Using the MCB-STR9 Eval Board and I would like to use the Push Buttons, s3 and s2 (EXINT5 and EXINT6)2011-05-17 12:48 AM
Hi cdixon,
Try the following post if you still haven't been able to solve your problem. http://www.st.com/mcu/forums-cat-6516-21.html Beware that you can only use one of the two buttons SCU WKUPSEL register does not allow you to select more than one. For documentation, check out . The first three pdfs are your most valuable information source. However, I am also facing some side effects problems, but you can get a starting idea of how to make use of your push buttons.