2003-07-15 10:27 PM
2011-05-17 2:53 AM
I don't want to use the internal Flash memory but need to address an external Flash memory of 2MB. For this I need 21 address lines. AD0-7 and A8-11 are available. Am I correct that it is possible to use Ports A and B to generate A12-A21? Maybe it's a silly question but I don't have any experience with the µPSD so far. Thanks in advance for any comments. Regards, Werner2011-05-17 2:53 AM
You can use Ports A and B to generate A12-A21.
If you have any question of the uPSD, you can write some easy code to use demoboard2011-05-17 2:53 AM
you have to define extra adress line on PLD port (A,B) like in the AN 1560 (a15_x, a14_x,...) and access to a memory on 22 bits. hope this help. totof