2003-11-19 7:04 AM
2003-11-16 9:33 AM
Is the inDART-STX/521 emulator a RT debugger? I can use breakpoints, only when my software is non-interrupted. The moment I add an interrupt such as Timer A, it runs but I can't debug the ST7 target since the breakepoints do not function. should I use anather emulator, or there is an option in the metrowerks IDE which enable the breakpoints also when interrupts are activated too ? atz2003-11-16 8:00 PM
For ST7 HD-Flash memory- based devices (521, 324, etc), the execution is in real-time only when no breakpoints are set. However,
you can set “low-level� breakpoints (and still get real-time execution) by putting the TRAP instruction in your source code. When a TRAP instruction is executed, the program stops just as if a breakpoint was set. The advantage of using this technique is that you can have as many TRAP instructions (and therefore set as many “low-level� breakpoints) and still the program will be executed in real-time. However, every time you insert/remove a TRAP instruction you need to recompile your program. I know that this is a big limitation, but it depends of the ST7 memory architecture (HDFlash memory without on-chip debug peripheral). If you can't debug with this limitation, you have to buy a more-expensive probe-based emulator. Bye, --Piero2003-11-17 7:35 PM
Are you not able to debug inside the Interrupt service routine or inside the main routine? If it is inside the ISR then, it is not possible.
2003-11-19 7:04 AM
I tried to debug the code in the main. For debuging I has to put the TRAP instruction in my sourse code, and when it runs after it stop, for anather cycle of stop in the breakpoint I need to disable the breakpoint and re-enable it . I believe I need more expensive debugger. atz