2003-07-09 11:10 PM
2011-05-17 2:34 AM
Thank you Skywalker and Romain for your help
I have a ST92F120-EMU2 HDS2v2 emulator, a ST92F120 EPB and I also have ST9 chips soldered on my application boards, for that reason I cannot write them unsoldered (only IAP or ISP) I have read that it is not recommended to write on the registers NVAPR NVWPR and NVPWD of the emuchip, because are OTP and could leave the emuchip unusable The question is, how I can test and debug my code to verify that there are not programming errors Is it possible to define, using the toolchain, in the memory mapping of the emulator the memory area 231F80 - 231FFF as system (instead of Internal)? This way i could verify at least that am writing the correct values in the correct places without the risk of damaging the emuchip? What happens when in the address 224000 (FCR), mapped on the internal memory (emuchip), I set the PROT bit, afterwards i write on the address 213FFC (NVAPR) mapped on the System memory (RAM of the emulator) and later set the FWMS bit (FCR on internal memory)? Some other suggestion? [ Este mensaje fue editado por: Sergio on 29-05-2003 04:34 ]2011-05-17 2:34 AM
It is possible to define, in the memory mapping of the emulator, the memory area 231F80 - 231FFF (Protection Registers) as system (instead of Internal). Then all the Flash (TestFlash and ''user'' Flash) is defined as system.
The information is not easy to find but, knowing that the internal flash will not be writen by a write sequence execution if the memory is defined as system (only the emulator RAM is writen), I am almost sure that the protection registers (located in the TestFlash area) will not be modified by a write sequence execution if the Flash is defined as system. Then you can debug the protection management when the Flash is defined as system.