2007-11-28 1:26 AM
Could you run a quick test on the IAR demo board for me?
2011-05-17 12:48 AM
I posted a question a week ago about failing to get the CAN example to work on an IAR demo board, but it got no replies and very few readers. I mailed the same question to ST Micro support, but so far have received no answer. Obviously almost nobody is interested in the CAN bus, but would anybody be willing to compile and run the CAN example program and tell me the result on their board? It runs in loopback mode entirely inside the CPU, so you don't need to touch your hardware. When it's done (in one second), two LEDS should be on -- if you tell me which LEDS are on, I could learn whether there really is a problem with the CAN bus example, or if I just have bad hardware or an inability to compile small programs properly. Thanks. John2011-05-17 12:48 AM
Just to complete the story, although I got no help from this forum or ST support, I eventually found there is a bug in the sample program and got the CAN bus to work, both in loopback mode (which is what the sample uses) and in normal mode.