2018-11-07 10:38 PM
stm32 board: stm32f446re
Hi, recently, I bought the expansion board X-NUCLEO-GNSS1A1, and I've managed to communicate it with USART. However, I have a hard time to do that with I2C, it stuck at slave address transferring.
In the beginning, I thought that it was my problem, so I use the I2C code in expansion package , compare to that of USART, which function pretty good, the command getgnsmsg in I2C gives me the following result:
Other commands look normal, so I assume they function properly.
And the version of the firmware is (by command 8 and type "$PSTMGETSWVER,6")
Version Info: [ BINIMG_4.6.8.2_ARM ]
Please help, and thanks in advance,
2019-01-07 04:34 AM
On Teseo-LIV3F the I2C port has been validated without problem.
> BINIMG_4.6.8.2_ARM
It's a good firmware which fully support I2C.
Please check pumpers J11 and J12 are closed.
From X-Cube-GNSS could you try the firmware:
With this stm32-firmware you will see NMEA stream on a terminal-console
Let me know
P.S.: could you move this discussion from 'MEMS And Sensords' to 'GNSS Positioning'? thanks