2009-02-23 9:45 AM
Build error: Multiple tools write to the same file
2009-02-23 9:45 AM
Working with IAR Workbench IDE - Micro Atmel ATMega 2561
Hi, Can anyone tell from this what I am doing wrong or what option may have to be changed? Thanks John Build error: Multiple tools write to the same file. File: C:\SOURCECODE ADC DUAL P8\Release\Obj\mnu_ObjCtrl.r90 Tool 1: C/C++ Compiler, when processing C:\SOURCECODE ADC DUAL P8\Hf4p.c Tool 2: C/C++ Compiler, when processing C:\SOURCECODE ADC DUAL P8\mnu_ObjCtrl.c [ This message was edited by: jnery on 24-02-2009 00:43 ]