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how can I get this st-link library and API usage?

Associate II

I want to develop a host computer software based on the st-link library and use C++ to implement the flush function of reading and writing, how can I get this st-link library and API usage?

Chief II

what is this " st-link library" ? explain, what you expect to do.

and what "implement the flush function" for ? give example, how it should work.

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Associate II

I saw that Segger has the j-link SDK to develop host computer software for users to erase and write FLASH. My application environment is: the host computer is connected to the MCU through the st-link v2 emulator, and then use the software I developed to read and write the FLASH of the mcu, I see on the Internet that your company also has a similar j-link sdk, do I want to develop such a software is there a similar SDK?Or how can it be achieved?

a. its not MY company, i just use the cpu...and other.

b. so using st-linkv2 you want make a program like stm32CubeProgrammer ? that is possible, look for the app note about it.

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Yes, I want to make a simple software like this  stm32CubeProgrammer, But only need to read or write the content of a specific address in MCU's FLASH."

Perhaps something like


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Pavel A.
Evangelist III

The CubeProgrammer API docum and examples is installed with the CubeProgrammer. YMMV.