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I can not read / write NFC tag (NfcV)

Associate II

I am developing a mobile application for Android for reading and writing data on NFC. While working with the M24SR04 chip from ST, then everything worked. After the transition to the chip M24LR64ER (also from ST) - ceased.

This can be done using other applications. NFC application tools allow you to use only the initial reading of parameters (type, technology, serial number, DSFID).

The NfcV reader application (from ST) easily performs all possible actions. The lines "E / NfcHandover: invalid NDEF entry" are not in the logs.

I thought that this does not support NDEF, but the NfcV-reader application both reads and writes NDEF messages.

The application can not pass the conditions (resulting in a lie):

if (NfcAdapter.ACTION_TAG_DISCOVERED.equals(action)

|| NfcAdapter.ACTION_TECH_DISCOVERED.equals(action)

|| NfcAdapter.ACTION_NDEF_DISCOVERED.equals(action))

I tried to do as written here:

The condition remains false.

Tell me how to write or read anything from this chip.