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Associate II


We have made a custom development board integrated with M24M01E-FMN6TP EEPROM IC. It is operating at 1.8. Having queries like whether the supply voltage plays a role in accessing total pages of EEPROM and if so please tell us the minimum voltage required to access all 512 pages. Another is regarding the clock frequency, whether the IC could operate using 100KHz clock frequency?



Dhanalakshmi K

ST Employee

Welcome @Dhanakathir, to the community!

the M24M01E-FMN6TP can operate down to 1.6V, so 1.8V is just right, even accessing all pages. It is also capable of operating at 100kHz.

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Associate II

Hi Peter, 

Thanks for your timely response. Yeah I got my answers. Is there any specific application circuit of EEPROM, if yes can you please share.



Dhanalakshmi K

ST Employee

any specific application circuit of EEPROM

Nothing specific, it is connected like a normal I2C device:

  • SCL
  • SDA with pull-up (see data sheet, section 2.2)
  • if necessary /WC via a GPIO, otherwise to GND or floating (see data sheet, section 2.3)
  • VSS, VCC with buffer capacitor (see data sheet, section 2.5.1)


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Hi Peter,

We have tried in the following ways,

1.SCL, SDA with 10K pullup resistors

2.WC pin is left floating

3.0.1uF bw VCC and VSS

Need to know why we cant able to access whole 512 pages, can be able to access only 416 pages. Could you help us resolving this issue.

ST Employee

For I2C, pull-ups of 3.3k to max. 4.7k are used; 10k is too high.

The statement "access only 416 pages" is not very meaningful. Without precise details, e.g. excerpt from the schematics, excerpt with relevant programme part, nobody will be able to help you. Incidentally, you seem to have the same problem as in this thread.

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