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Is there a way to calculate the Array Integrity Check from hex file for SPC570S Target

Shady Abdelnasser
Posted on June 26, 2018 at 16:47

Hello All,

      Does ST provide any plugin or a tool to calculate the Array Integrity Check on a hex file given that we are specifying which blocks of flash we will use in this check. Since the result found in registers User Multiple Input Signature 0..4 registers vary every time the data changes.

For example: 

If we have variable that change every build like build-time and build-version, we can not anticipate the result of the 

Multiple Input Signature registers since the calculated signature will vary with these changes on each compilation.

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Posted on June 26, 2018 at 17:55

If you understand what the processor is looking for, you should be able to read and process the .HEX in a post-link step, and compute these values. Couple of hour task to code something like that.

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Erwan YVIN
ST Employee
Posted on June 28, 2018 at 16:59

Hello Shady ,

we have not this plugin.

There is already a post relative to this subject


  Best regards



Posted on June 29, 2018 at 10:41

Dear Erwan,

- I have checked the link provided and unfortunately it is talking about calculation of CRC, while I want to use MISR registers for calculating the signature.

- I also checked on subjects of the other forum specified in your provided link and I found plugin for MISR_C55.exe but unfortunately it is not usable for SPC570S, and as I have seen in the help of this tool it is a collaboration between ST and Freescale so how come that there is no tool for supporting other targets.


Best Regards,

Shady Abdelnasser