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Wrong accelerometer value from LIS2HH12



Have bought the STEVAL-MKI183VI for the LIS2HH12 device.

The device are enabled for all direction by wrinting the following to the ctrl1 register 

  regData.ZEN = 1;

  regData.XEN = 1;

  regData.YEN = 1;

  regData.ODR = ODR_100_HZ;

  regData.BDU = 1;

Placing the device on the table and reading the accelerometer values gives a strange value for the z-direction.

The value gives nearly 1.2g. Flipping the board upside down result in a value of -0,8 g.

The x and y directions is fine.

Have tried to run the self test with the following "raw" values.

For the negative test

 x = 0xE3DD

 y = 0xE821

 Z = 0x364C


For the positive test

 x = 0x178A

 y = 0x1c0c

 z = 0x6ae6

The z-values seems to be wrong so I am thinking that there is something wrong with the device or... have I forgot something.

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Regards Ørjan