2018-08-29 12:56 AM
I am following manuals UM2084 and UM2073 and with out the iks01a2 board everything thing works fine with the ***** payload reaching the application over the web every-time, but when i reset up and add the iks01a2 board to the dev kit i get PHY txTimeOut in the terminal window for every tried tx no rx happens when i get this error, also the very frist payload reaches the application but no others do when this error happens. In the i-cube-lrwan software i am using the end node demo and in the hw_conf.h file i do un-comment the sensor_enable define which following the manual should get it to work and i am using keil as the toolchain for compiling and flashing the dev kit. Please help or if anyone knows a better more definitive guide to follow please share as searches seems to bring up no answers. thx in advance.
2018-08-29 7:21 AM
I don't have any experience with the p-nucleo-lrwan1 but isn't there any a conflict on the arduino pins.
2018-08-29 8:21 AM
i been playing around with it most of the day and have discovered that disconnecting JP3 will in fact bring the transmission back working, but it seems that the temp sensor does not work then as i get -499 on the application. so as you have stated there is conflict and with JP3 removed the conflict is resolved. Do you think that there is another way around this in order to get the temp working with out causing conflict on the arduino pins. i have no experience with the x-nucleo-boards so hopefully you might be able to get me around this. thx for the help.
2018-08-30 7:57 AM
When you disconnect the JP3 you disconnect power supply for the temperature and humidity sensor HTS221, so the sensor doesn't work. I have checked the schematics of the IKS01A2 and the LRWAN1 and it seems the DRDY interrupt of the HTS221 is in conflict with DIO0 of the LRWAN1.
So I would try to keep the jumper JP3 but disconnect all jumpers from JP6 (by default there is one jumper for the HTS221 DRDY signal).
2018-09-06 2:24 AM
thanks very much for this solution, indeed disconnecting jumper on JP6 solved the problem all working as expected now thanks for your time effort well appreciated.