2017-08-29 9:30 AM
Hi everybody!
Just a short question about the VL53L0X Time-of-Flight ranging and gesture detection sensor.
The datasheet mentions a 'Programmable I2C address'.
Is it possible to change the default I2C address to another address permanently?
Will the new I2C address be stored in the VL53L0X permanently?
I mean if i run the VL53L0X through a complete power cycle:
- VL53L0X on... set the new I2C address
- VL53L0X off
- VL53L0X on... Will the new I2C address still be available?
Best regards
2017-08-31 4:34 AM
2017-08-31 8:07 AM
>>>Is it possible to change the default I2C address to another address permanently?
Unfortunately No, you cannot.
The issue is there is no user-writable data location that will survive a power cycle.
The only way is to change the address after the power cycle.
2017-08-31 10:25 AM
Hey John! Thanks for the answer... even if the answer is quite disappointing for me.
I thought it would be easy to create a sensor array on the I2C bus and i did choose this sensor because of this feature.