2016-09-29 10:49 PM
Does anyone know how to change the standard mode to 2V8 mode?
I could not find the details in the VL53L0X API manual.
#vl53l0x2016-10-05 5:20 AM
in the API source code, file vl53l0x_api.c function VL53L0X_DataInit there is a call to VL53L0X_UpdateByte(Dev, VL53L0X_REG_VHV_CONFIG_PAD_SCL_SDA__EXTSUP_HV, 0xFE, 0x01); That should switch I2C from 1.8V to 2.8V This function is called if you set the USE_I2C_2V8 #define in your project, predefined symbols settings Best regards Harald