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Using LSM9DS0 as a vibration sensor

Associate II
Posted on June 28, 2016 at 17:56

I'm trying to use LSM9DS0 as a vibration sensor using accelerometer data, but I have some questions regarding the datasheet:

1. Do I need to have magnetometer activated in order to use 6D in INT_GEN_1_REG? If I don't and I only have ACC enabled, does this 6D flag make any difference?

2. I'm using 0.1G as a threshold (write 0x06 in THS, for +-2G scale) and it only works if use OR with XLIE, YLIE and ZLIE in INT_GEN_1_REG. If I start putting the high events (e.g. XHIE) then I don't get any interrupt. Why is that?

What's the best way to use this as vibration sensor? This system will be stationary inside a car and I would like to wake up my MCU when the car starts (and, consequently, vibrates). False wake ups are not a problem.

Miroslav BATEK
ST Employee
Posted on July 22, 2016 at 10:20

  1. It is not necessary to activate magnetometer for 6D detection. It doesn’t have any influence on 6D detection.
  2. Can you please provide me your INT_GEN_1_REG (30h) register value to check your settings.

Best regards
