2016-07-18 7:01 AM
I have an X-NUCLEO-IKS01A1 board. There is a LSM6DS0 on the board but the following functions
DrvStatusTypeDef BSP_ACCELERO_Enable_Free_Fall_Detection_Ext( void *handle );
DrvStatusTypeDef BSP_ACCELERO_Disable_Free_Fall_Detection_Ext( void *handle );
DrvStatusTypeDef BSP_ACCELERO_Get_Free_Fall_Detection_Status_Ext( void *handle, uint8_t *status );
DrvStatusTypeDef BSP_ACCELERO_Set_Free_Fall_Threshold_Ext( void *handle, LSM6DS3_ACC_GYRO_FF_THS_t thr );
DrvStatusTypeDef BSP_ACCELERO_Enable_Pedometer_Ext( void *handle );
DrvStatusTypeDef BSP_ACCELERO_Disable_Pedometer_Ext( void *handle );
DrvStatusTypeDef BSP_ACCELERO_Get_Pedometer_Status_Ext( void *handle, uint8_t *status );
DrvStatusTypeDef BSP_ACCELERO_Get_Step_Count_Ext( void *handle, uint16_t *step_count );
DrvStatusTypeDef BSP_ACCELERO_Reset_Step_Counter_Ext( void *handle );
DrvStatusTypeDef BSP_ACCELERO_Set_Pedometer_Threshold_Ext( void *handle, uint8_t thr );
DrvStatusTypeDef BSP_ACCELERO_Enable_Tilt_Detection_Ext( void *handle );
DrvStatusTypeDef BSP_ACCELERO_Disable_Tilt_Detection_Ext( void *handle );
DrvStatusTypeDef BSP_ACCELERO_Get_Tilt_Detection_Status_Ext( void *handle, uint8_t *status );
DrvStatusTypeDef BSP_ACCELERO_Enable_Wake_Up_Detection_Ext( void *handle );
DrvStatusTypeDef BSP_ACCELERO_Disable_Wake_Up_Detection_Ext( void *handle );
DrvStatusTypeDef BSP_ACCELERO_Get_Wake_Up_Detection_Status_Ext( void *handle, uint8_t *status );
DrvStatusTypeDef BSP_ACCELERO_Set_Wake_Up_Threshold_Ext( void *handle, uint8_t thr );
DrvStatusTypeDef BSP_ACCELERO_Enable_Single_Tap_Detection_Ext( void *handle );
DrvStatusTypeDef BSP_ACCELERO_Disable_Single_Tap_Detection_Ext( void *handle );
DrvStatusTypeDef BSP_ACCELERO_Get_Single_Tap_Detection_Status_Ext( void *handle, uint8_t *status );
DrvStatusTypeDef BSP_ACCELERO_Enable_Double_Tap_Detection_Ext( void *handle );
DrvStatusTypeDef BSP_ACCELERO_Disable_Double_Tap_Detection_Ext( void *handle );
DrvStatusTypeDef BSP_ACCELERO_Get_Double_Tap_Detection_Status_Ext( void *handle, uint8_t *status );
DrvStatusTypeDef BSP_ACCELERO_Set_Tap_Threshold_Ext( void *handle, uint8_t thr );
DrvStatusTypeDef BSP_ACCELERO_Set_Tap_Shock_Time_Ext( void *handle, uint8_t time );
DrvStatusTypeDef BSP_ACCELERO_Set_Tap_Quiet_Time_Ext( void *handle, uint8_t time );
DrvStatusTypeDef BSP_ACCELERO_Set_Tap_Duration_Time_Ext( void *handle, uint8_t time );
DrvStatusTypeDef BSP_ACCELERO_Enable_6D_Orientation_Ext( void *handle );
DrvStatusTypeDef BSP_ACCELERO_Disable_6D_Orientation_Ext( void *handle );
DrvStatusTypeDef BSP_ACCELERO_Get_6D_Orientation_Status_Ext( void *handle, uint8_t *status );
DrvStatusTypeDef BSP_ACCELERO_Get_6D_Orientation_XL_Ext( void *handle, uint8_t *xl );
DrvStatusTypeDef BSP_ACCELERO_Get_6D_Orientation_XH_Ext( void *handle, uint8_t *xh );
DrvStatusTypeDef BSP_ACCELERO_Get_6D_Orientation_YL_Ext( void *handle, uint8_t *yl );
DrvStatusTypeDef BSP_ACCELERO_Get_6D_Orientation_YH_Ext( void *handle, uint8_t *yh );
DrvStatusTypeDef BSP_ACCELERO_Get_6D_Orientation_ZL_Ext( void *handle, uint8_t *zl );
DrvStatusTypeDef BSP_ACCELERO_Get_6D_Orientation_ZH_Ext( void *handle, uint8_t *zh );
Implemented ONLY for LSM6DS3 – for the chip that UNAVAILABLE on the board.
Well…some time ago I’d have been furious but today I’ve even not surprised.
Any way - to add the same functionality for
LSM6DS0 that IS ON BOARD – should I just change registers or it would be some change in algorithm?
2016-07-21 11:40 PM
Good morning,
unfortunately these APIs are currently available only for LSM6DS3 sensor. The LSM6DS0 sensor does not support these hardware features. At the moment in order to use these APIs you need to plug a STEVAL-MKI160V1 adapter board to X-NUCLEO-IKS01A1 using the DIL24 connector.Best Regards,Carlo