2013-12-06 3:00 AM
I don't know, the interrupts work. I have the testcase attached. Here is the logged sequence: BEGIN: STAT_REG = 0 .. STAT_REG = 0xF // here should come the Int, shouldn't it? .. STAT_REG = 0xFF // Overflow, new_lis will be set LIS331DLH_ResetInt1Latch() LIS331DLH_GetAccAxesRaw(&axesraw); -> here comes the Interrupt new_lis will be set LIS331DLH_GetAccAxesRaw(&axesraw); GOTO BEGIN Why do I have to poll STATUS_REG. No interrupts occur without polling!? When exactly comes the interrupt, and when will it reset(?!). Regards, Steffen #h3lis331dl #interrupts2013-12-11 8:32 AM
Hello Steffen,
In order to better understand your setup for interrupts on the accelerometer, could you please share your registers configuration? In special 30h to 33h. Thank you very much, Thiago Reis2013-12-12 1:36 AM
therefore, I've attached the file The registers 32-33 I don't set. INT1_CFG , I set to 0x3F INT1_SRC should be read only?!!! regards, Steffen2014-01-10 3:58 AM
Hello Steffen,
I believe you have to setup reg 31h, INT1_SRC, in that way you will define the source of your interrupt. Then on 32h and 33h you will be able to setup both the interrupt threshold value and the duration that, when the measured value is above the threshold will activate the INT. Please let me know if this details aid your question! Thank you, Thiago Reis