2022-09-22 8:17 AM
Hi there,
I am working with the H3LIS100DL Accelerometer. I am able to get readings back and it seems to work fine.
My question is: what is the reading that I am getting back for the X (Reg 0x29), Y (Reg 0x2B), and Z (Reg 0x2D)? Does 1 digit equal ~1g? I have looked through the datasheet and unlike another accelerometer from ST that specifies how many 'g' 1 digit is, the datasheet for this accelerometer does not appear to have that information.
2022-09-22 10:56 AM
I'll bump once, just in case :)
2022-09-30 6:05 AM
Hi Christian @CEddi.1 ,
Together with the datasheet, I suggest you to check the C driver on Github (h3lis100dl_reg.c), where the conversion formula appears:
float_t h3lis100dl_from_fs100g_to_mg(int8_t lsb)
return ((float_t)lsb / 256.0f) * 780.0f;