2013-11-11 11:34 PM
Dear Team.
I need to read temperature data from LSM303DLHC for temperature compensation of the accelerometer data.I use the STM32F3Dicsovery board and the ''stm32f3_discovery_lsm303dlhc.c'' library. I can read the interested data only in debug mode, during normal mode operation of the controller I always take '0'. All other data is read correctly. By the way,the type of TEMP_OUT_H_M and TEMP_OUT_L_M registers, unlike other, is not specified in the datasheet. In what may be the problem?2013-11-18 5:35 AM
2013-11-20 2:35 AM
Dear, Thiago Reis.
I once read the datasheet. I initialize CRA_REG_M register. The problem is that when I work in a debugging regime (Keil), I read the temperature measurment. In this case, the clock is provided by ST-Link. If I get out of debug mode, after a reset controller I take '0'. In last case, the clock is provided by a crystal oscillator. I see this problem in the STM32-F3Discovery board and the STM32F103C6. The stm32f3_discovery_lsm303dlhc.c'' library is used.