2020-07-04 10:06 AM
Is there a way to synchronize the timing acquisiton time for multiple IIS3DWB accelerometers ? (synchronize the ODRs of each accelerometers)
It seems there is no triger PIN to start the acquisition so all accelerometers could be synchronize ...
Is there a way to reset ALL the accelerometer at the same time so they will do acquisition at the same timing ?
Thanks for yout help.
2020-07-09 2:05 AM
Hi @ABour.1 , it is an interesting topic, since in effect there is no "hardware pin" to trigger the acquisition of the sensors. In case you communicate via SPI, you may use an application processor (such as an STM34F4 MCU) which is provided by multiple dedicated SPI peripherals (each one with its own CS, MOSI, MISO, SCLK lines) and mange the communication with the devices by synchronizing the CSs up-to-down transitions.
Please consider however the discussion at this LINK on a similar topic (IIS3DWB synchronization), if it can be of any help. Regards