2015-01-12 7:48 AM
I'm runnig a small research project with the STEVAL-MKI117V1 evaluation board. At the moment I'm facing some problems with accessing the audio data stream. Hopefully someone can answer my questions: 1. Is it possible to connect directly to the STEVAL-MKI117V1 with the APWorkbench or do I need another eavaluation board? At the moment I'm receiving a FTDI error message, which can be seen in the attached image, although the ''CDM v2.12.00 WHQL Certified'' FTDI driver is aready installed. 2. I tried to access the audio data through the I2S interface at the APWlink+ connector. Unfortunately ''I2S_DAT_12'' is always low and ''I2S_BICK'' and ''I2S_LRCK'' are always high, so no data is transmitted. 3. Is it possible to get access to the STM32F107RC microcontroller? Kind regards Marc