2020-06-17 12:46 AM
Hi, I'm using the LIS2DE12 as a motion detector for my nRF BLE product. I purchased the eval module (STEVAL-MKI175V1) and I'm trying to set it up over SPI from the nRF52 eval board. I followed the datasheet for the eval board and connected the basic pins (VDD, VDD_IO, GND, SDO, SDI, SCL, CS).
When I read the WHO_AM_I register, I get the value 0x24 and it should be 0x33. Not sure why.
Please see attached analyzer image, thanks!
2020-06-17 12:48 AM
when I disconnected SDO (MISO), it reads back correctly, 0x33. The MISO must not be configured correctly on the nRF side.