2020-03-13 8:50 AM
In case of issue, you can easily reset your ST.box following this procedure:
You can speed up your FW upgrade (also in Mode 3 experience) bypassing the FOTA new firmware upload and use the STM32Programmer to program the ST.box board in DFU mode via USB. Here below a procedure and a video explaining you how to upload .bin file on the ST.box MCU.
--> video
2020-03-13 9:02 AM
STM32CubeProgrammer -->LINK<---
2020-03-22 12:56 PM
Minor issue even though the new firmware download is successful. The 'Full Chip Erase' is selected but the log shows a failure for the memory erase. The download proceeds normally and is successful.
Is there a switch to allow the memory erasure to take place?
2020-03-23 10:01 AM
Hi @TJM , can you please share the screen of error you are observing? Regards
2020-03-23 12:01 PM
These screenshots are for the DFU method to upload the *.bin. If I use the ST-LINK v2 with SWD adapter and cabling the mem erase and upload is normal. I can post that, too, if you like. First pic is the connection successfully made, second pic is the successful completion of the firmware upload with the end of the list for failure of mem erase.
2020-03-24 3:24 AM
But in the second pic the dfu connection is KO... you have to re try to enter the DFU mode with the boot button. Regards
2020-03-24 8:18 AM
I posted two screen shots. The first is the connection made to the TileBox and the second taken at the completion of the firmware download. I just left out all the lines where the mem erase failure took place. You can see that the connection is made, I then started the firmware download with the mem erase errors but at the end it shows that the download started, verified and completed successfully and firmware restarted. Then, the connection is lost. If I use the ST-LINK v2 with the appropriate connections everything proceeds the same way except the mem erase actually takes place. I't would be nice to know why DFU doesn't allow the mem erase but it's not a big issue since either method make a successful firmware download. Not really worth spending any more time on the issue.
Thanks again for the prompt replies,