2019-08-08 8:10 AM
Hi all,
I just received a sensortile.box (the video posted here about streaming gyro data over USB catched my attention: https://blog.st.com/stm32cubeide-sensortilebox-lsm6dsox-videos/) but I am having trouble with the USB connection.
I can charge the device over USB and also the connection over BLE incl. App upload and configuration, data streaming over BLE etc. on the phone seems to work just fine. What is not working is the connection via USB - especially to Unico. I can set the config parameter via the app to "stream over USB" but Unico refuses to identify the motherboard (Error - unknown device). Furthermore the Sensortile.box itself only appears as "serial device" in the device manager. Using various drivers (Virtual Com Drivers from Win8,...) did not do anything. The "USB" LED on the sensortile.box stays off. The firmware I am using on the box is 3.0.18.
What am I missing here? What am I doing wrong? Do I need an additional programmer to get the raw data streamed over USB? Thank you for any hint/information on this device.
2019-08-11 11:07 PM
Responding to my own question as no one seems to have an answer:
After playing a bit with the serial terminal I am now getting acceleration data over USB (in the terminal). So the serial-to-USB-connection seems to work. Unfortunately this does not help me with Unico and is also not very stable as the app freezes after a few seconds. Does anyone has an idea of how to read the data in Unico (without collecting them via serial and importing manually)? :\
2020-08-24 3:37 AM
Hi @ben_3.14159 , unfortunately it is not possible to directly acquire the Sensortile.box sensors' output with Unico. You can however use Unicleo-GUI for your purpose: the DataLogExtended application that you can find in the FP-SNS-STBOX1 function pack (Sensortile.box used in Pro Mode) shows an application that, using the USBD Virtual Com Port, is able to dialog with the Unicleo-GUI running on a PC connected via USB to the STEVAL-MKSBOX1V1 evaluation board, visualizing all the sensor data streamed from the board. You can find more detail in the user manual UM2626, p.11.
Please let me know if this is can be of any help.