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Please I need an answer to know why I cannot pair my SensorTile.Box with Windows 10 via bluetooth.

Associate II

I have programmed the box with firmware from AlgoBuilder and a binary from ALLMEMS2 both with BlueTooth capability.

I open the bluetooth configuration in W10, I find the Box and try to pair it. W10 answers that I can click connect if the PIN shown in ALGOB is XXXXXX. But I do not know how to check if that is the number shown in the Box and I cannot change it to 123456 for instance. I click connect anyway but the pairing fails.

When I use the binary in the example I do not get the PIN prompt but Windows say that I try again and never connects.

Therefore, I cannot use Unicleo-GUI to check the data streaming.

What is the procedure to connect the box to Windows 10 via Bluetooth??

Thank you

ST Employee

Hi @GRobl​ , please note that the interfaces via BLE (Bluetooth low energy) and not through Bluetooth, so your device (is it a Personal Computer) has to be equipped with a BLE module. Moreover, Algobuilder and Unicleo-GUI interface with the primarily via USB / VCOM, not via BLE. I suggest you to check the effective BLE connection with a smartphone (downloading the ST BLE Sensor app). This app is available also in desktop edition on Github repository, but you have to run Android Studio to emulate a smartphone platform and you nevertheless need also the BLE physical peripheral. Regards