2014-06-10 9:20 AM
I am using a VL6180 as a proximity detector. I am able to communicate the part without any issue, but when I read the
RESULT__RANGE_VAL register or
I only read 0xFF with no target and 0x00 with a target in any position. I measured the current from the device and I can see that it is performing ranging at the rate I requested because I can see a spike in current draw that is proportional in length to the distance from my target, but the value in the result register does not change. Other registers do show a change with target distance, but not the two result registers, so I�m sure I�m not setting something up right.The only register altered from default is SYSRANGE__INTERMEASUREMENT_PERIOD, which I have at 10 for 100ms, and I do see a range measurement every 100ms.
#proximity-sesor #vl61802015-02-25 4:22 AM
What is the tuning settings that is not being completely loaded into the VL610X?
Is it this lists?WriteByte(RegAddr, data)
WriteByte(0x0207, 0x01);
WriteByte(0x0208, 0x01);
...I am facing approximately same problem.2015-02-26 3:32 AM
OK, I got it. It works fine now.