2019-03-14 5:54 PM
Hi Team,
Allan variance plot is missing in the datasheet. I need that to estimate White noise, rate random walk and bias stability.
I have came up with this document https://www.st.com/content/ccc/resource/technical/document/design_tip/group0/bf/92/6b/31/e7/c1/4d/c8/DM00311184/files/DM00311184.pdf/jcr:content/translations/en.DM00311184.pdf
But, this document seems to have gyroscope allan variance plot only.
Please share me the allan variance plot for LSM6DS33TR accelerometer and gyroscope.
Ajith Kumar
2019-03-19 3:26 AM
Hi STMicroelectronics team,
Any updates on the above query?
Ajith Kumar
2019-03-19 5:33 AM
Primarily a user to user forum, if you have specific concerns contact your local sales office and FAE
2019-03-19 11:11 PM
Can you please provide me the contact mail ID of the tech support?
I actually couldn't find one from the contacts page.
2019-03-21 2:19 AM
2019-03-22 3:48 AM
Hi Ajith, I can share you a few average parameters for the Gyro and XL LSM6DS33TR Allan Variance (value for x, y, z or pitch, roll, yaw axis): Axl VRW (velocity random walk) = (9.18, 10.5, 19.5) mg*s/sqrt(h); Axl BI (Bias stability) = (215, 222, 269) mg*s/h; Gyro ARW (angular random walk) = (0.53, 0.62, 0.52) deg/sqrt(h); Axl BI (Bias stability) = (20.3, 20.9, 15.5) deg/sqrt(h). Hope could be enough. Regards