2024-10-28 5:49 AM
Hi ST ,
Originally posted an issue on github page here (https://github.com/STMicroelectronics/ispu-examples/issues/1), but have not heard back. So thought I'd sign up here and give a polite nudge :)
I'll paste what I put here, for convenience:
We've been using the MotionFX library for orientation estimation (yaw, pitch, and roll) on an ISM330IS - with only an accelerometer and gyroscope.
The introduction of MotionFX v1.0.1 introduced some new factors to play around with...
typedef struct
float alpha_acc; /* Coefficient to control accelerometer mean and variance computation [0 to 1] /
float alpha_gyr; / Coefficient to control gyroscope mean and variance computation [0 to 1] /
float alpha_mag; / Coefficient to control magnetometer mean and variance computation [0 to 1] /
float kappa_acc; / Coefficient to control accelerometer weighting factor [0 to 1] /
float kappa_mag; / Coefficient to control magnetometer weighting factor [0 to 1] /
float acc_max; / Linear acceleration threshold [g] /
float acc_var_max; / Linear acceleration var-based threshold [g] /
float mag_var_max; / Magnetic anomaly var-based threshold [g] /
float gb_alpha; / Gbias calibration low-pass filter [0 to 1] /
float gb_acc_max; / Gbias calibration acceleration norm-based threshold [g] /
float gb_gyr_max; / Gbias calibration angular rate threshold [dps] /
float gb_acc_var_max; / Gbias calibration acceleration var-based threshold [g] /
float gb_gyr_var_max; / Gbias calibration angular rate var-based threshold [dps] /
float gb_gyr_var_max_greedy; / Gbias calibration initial angular rate var-based threshold [dps] /
float gb_time; / Gbias calibration time-based threshold [s] */
} MFX_conf_t;
Would it be possible to share a brief description of what each of the variables in the MFX_conf_t tend to affect in the performance of the sensor fusion algorithm for orientation estimation?
Also would like to add another question - Is there any conflict between setting the gbias configurations here and enabling the gbias calibration at the same time?
Appreciate any kind of feedback on this matter. Thanks in advance.
Kind regards,
Solved! Go to Solution.
2024-11-07 4:38 AM
2024-11-07 4:38 AM
Received a reply on github issue - so all good for now :)